No one should follow Jesus alone — that’s why God gave us the Church.

Special Event

Join us at The Bridge Bible Church for a special Men's Gathering on Sunday, April 28th, from 6:00pm-8:30pm, with our guest speaker Pastor Jon Tyson. Jon Tyson is a pastor at Church of the City NY, and the co-founder of Forming Men (a discipleship ministry for men) with Jefferson Bethke. They are launching a book, "Fighting Shadows: Overcoming the 7 Lies That Keep Men from Becoming Fully Alive," on May 21 -- but by coming to this event, you will leave with a copy in your hands THAT NIGHT.

The event will include dinner, fellowship, worship, teaching from Pastor Jon, and prayer and worship time. We believe this night will be catalytic for the men of God's Kingdom to gather together and press back against the world and the Enemy's influence, and be grounded in Jesus. Will you join us?

The cost is $20, but that covers dinner and the book "Fighting Shadows" (which will sell for $28.99 on Amazon). This event is open for high school students and above.

Bridge Men

Our Men’s Ministry was created because we recognize the need for men to become passionate God-followers of their homes and their community.

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Men’s Groups

Men’s Small Groups

Wherever you are in your faith, we want you to grow in your understanding and living out of God’s Word. That’s men’s groups are for. We meet weekly to dig deeper, ask honest questions and seek out His truth together.

Groups meet from September through May throughout the week. Choose which men’s group you’d like to join. 

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Men’s Events

Men’s Gatherings

We're going to be doing Men’s Gatherings (a time to gather, be equipped, and connect) every other month this coming ministry year (2023-2024). Our next one is going to be on Friday, March 22nd. We’ll be having our friend and partner, Hakkan, brining the Word and having time of worship and prayer. Bring yourself, bring your buddies, and get ready to take steps to center your life on Jesus.

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Men’s Support Groups

Captive Free Study (Men)

This group is a weekly study and support group for men who struggle with sexual addiction (like pornography). To learn more about the group, as well as schedule a meeting with Vince to join the group, please contact him at 661-742-5746 for more details.

Local Men’s Ministry Partnership


Influencers Bakersfield is a para-church ministry for leading men in their faith. They provide weekly, monthly, and yearly activities. Their heart is to equip men and then point them back to local church.

Connect with us!

Have questions about Men’s Ministry at The Bridge?

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